Dès la première édition de MigrActions en 2007, nous affirmions notre volonté de célébrer la liberté de migration des formes, des identités, des générations. Culture en mouvement, en action, provenant d’une pluralité d’horizons artistiques. Dix ans déjà et toujours pas assez.

Le dixième anniversaire de notre Festival a commencé en février, à Madère, quand en partenariat avec Travessias Culturais et Volterrateatro, nous avons partagé de la création de Travessuras, le festival de Ponta do Sol.

Du 27 juin au 8 juillet, annonçant l’été, nos énergies se rassembleront pour festivaler : théâtre et forum, music, dance, performances et ateliers…assaisonneront les soirées du Douzième.

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MigrActions, le dernier rendez-vous de la saison, fait la part belle à la diversité. Ce festival prône un autre regard sur la culture et son accès. La programmation invite des artistes venus de tous les horizons, France, Italy, Liban, Portugal… et de tous les domaines artistiques théâtre, music, arts numériques, Forum Theatre, danse contemporaine, lecture, opérette… C’est dans un esprit d’échanges, de rencontres, de partages que s’associe aussi le plaisir de la fête. MigrActions, c’est enfin être disposé d’aller vers l’autre, d’écouter, d’échanger et de se transformer.

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…nos sept ans de réflexions passés, pour la huitième édition nous empruntons dans un Pas de Deux fort affectif le chemin d’une nouvelle aventure, le soutien à la création du Ponta do Sol Festival, à Madère, que un début !

Associant notre pratique des dernières années à celle d’Armando Punzo et son équipe de Volterra Teatro, nous proposons aux compagnons de FR Madeira la mise en commun de nos efforts : des actions artistiques et culturelles dynamisant la relation entre créateurs et citoyens.

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Créé pour célébrer les générations et les ethnies, les formes d’expression, les arts, la cuisine… notre festival, toujours porteur de la volonté de rencontres, de confrontations et d’échanges, avance vers sa septième édition, annonciatrice d’une importante ouverture internationale avec la création d’une Version Madère, en 2014.

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« … célébrer la liberté de migration des formes et des identités en mouvement, from a plurality of artistic and cultural horizons. » 2008 MigrActions

« Affirmer la rupture des frontières, oppose the notion of ghetto producing a transdisciplinary Festival, où les arts ont et occupent toute la place, articulant théâtre, music, dance, Theatre Forum, exhibitions, movie, readings ... the way we share with the public the fundamental values ​​for us.

Generational dialogue, nationalities meet, les genres se croisent. Des talents autour d’une idée commune de la culture, autour d’une incontestable insatiable quête de bonheur. » MigrActions 2009…2012…

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Migractions 2012

No limits, a promise of space.

Transdisciplinary festival where arts and occupy all the space : theater, music, dance, Forum Theatre, exhibitions, cartoon, readings ... the way we share with the public the fundamental values ​​for us.
Generational dialogue, nationalities meet, genres intersect around a common idea of ​​culture, around an insatiable quest for happiness. Programming takes place under the sign of creating vibrant and hospitality.
Sharp beings by the constant desire to change the world, live better together.
Beings in action.

Rui Frati, Isabel Ribeiro et Carmo Toninho

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Migractions 2011

And the Ship Sails…
The fourth edition of MigrActions approaches, We bring the excitement of the shows,
meetings, creative exchange. Always present our willingness to break the
limitations, breaking boundaries.
Last summer in Paraty, small Brazilian colonial city, during FLIP 2010 (Celebration
Paraty International Literary), noticing how passionate writing
people, sharing with thousands of meetings and conferences Isabel
On the other side, Azar Nafis, S. Rushdie, The. Boyd, G. Shelton, R. Crumb ... we wanted
a new door ajar, write the. Thus MigrActions 2011 addresses a
other art form, Comic Strip.

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Migraction 2010

Affirming the breaking of boundaries, oppose the notion of ghetto producing a transdisciplinary Festival, where the arts and occupy all the space ... the way we share with the public key for us desvaleurs. The two previous editions of the festival MigrActions allowed us to see the importance, the happiness that these evenings are inhabited by concerts and theater performances, Exhibitions and Forum Theatre, movies, readings, dance ... informal discussion over drinks: the art of meeting and exchange !
This third year was marked by the reunion with former fellow: CETEC et Escape Artists, groups led by Donatella Massimilla in Milan and Matthew Taylor in London. It is with them that the Theatre of the Oppressed creates a common course for the next two years: Edge Project.

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Migractions 2009

Migractions : no limits, but a promise of space

Affirming the breaking of boundaries, oppose the notion of ghetto around a transdisciplinary articulating theater festival, music, dance, Theatre Forum, exhibitions, movie, lectures…
Fruit meetings and travel of the troupe of the Oppressed, this programming dedicated to the friendship and discovery under the sign, still vibrant, creating and hospitality.
Allergic commemorations, birthdays and formalism, I confess myself trapped !
I saw slip past year 2008, that of the tenth season that marks my responsibilities as head of the Theatre of the Oppressed. This route decade sees confirm the presence within our walls of ever experienced team.
And as always new ones arrive, here we are in perpetual motion. I am delighted!
Or, This tenth season closes with the second edition of our festival ...
No way to ignore, then place Migractions 2009 !
Rui Frati

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Migractions 2008

This first migration is through individual and collective will : Antonia Hayward, Benoit Pimont, Charlotte Dubail, Christine Taniga-Smith, Delphine Dey, Fabrice Bongiorni, François Thomassin, William Brown, Leo Friars, Maria Teresa Ferreira, Marie the year, Marinete Nolasco, Sabine Biaiscamano, Tanguy Gauchet, Tatiana Grasso, Telma Savietto, Thomas and Vincent Vidal Razet.
Our wishes : celebrate freedom migration forms and identities in motion, from a plurality of artistic and cultural horizons. Migrations, a transdisciplinary articulating contemporary theater festival, World Music, jazz, dance, lectures, exposure, forum theater and culinary specialties. Fruit of our meetings and our trips, this programming is that of friendship and discovery, under the always vibrant sign of creation and hospitality.

Happy to have them as companions.

Rui Frati, Isabel Ribeiro et Carmo Toninho

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