Exit le Brexit…

Et voilà la Grande Bretagne qui veut nous quitter, elle qui fait tant partie de nous, qui nous a fascinés et façonnés. Elle qui nous a initiés dès les années 60 au vent de la salutaire et joyeuse folie qui soufflerait sur l’occident dans les années 70. Et oui, avec une décennie d’avance, la Perfide Albion et son Swinging London révolutionnaient la culture et les mœurs, inventaient une nouvelle manière d’être, de vivre, de penser, de créer.

Pourra-t-on jamais énumérer tout ce que – malgré ses caprices de star – elle a pu alors nous offrir de bonheurs, d’émulation, de fantaisie ?

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Le point de départ de cette création est une réflexion sur l’utopie du vivre ensemble. Cela prendrait racine dans l’expérience concrète de la troupe du Théâtre de l’Opprimé et de sa pratique du théâtre forum, en France et ailleurs. De ce travail jaillirait une dramaturgie de la relation entre les êtres humains, hier et aujourd’hui.

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The earth is a crime story. Without a criminal crime. One of these crimes “we escaped”. That silence hid. Silence of people who have looked elsewhere. Maria returns home nine years after the crime and discovered that silence is worse than any punishment.
That may be what defines the twentieth and twenty-first., our absent look, who has not seen the smoke in the sky of Buchenwald, who does not see the Atlantic full of dead Africans or pretended not to see.

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Ces Parfuns de plaisir et de mort

Our recent travels in Asia we returned with the echo of a dual meet : first with the culture and the complex situation in Taiwan, the former Formosa, Then with the work of a great writer and activist, Li Ang.

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Forests and Cities

On stage, beings and animals in the forest, realism and mythology, take shape when two characters of the Brazilian tradition meet :

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The misadventures of a mother "special" due to the circumstances of the birth of his daughter : a blonde girl that her legs do not carry e whose IQ is "not testable".

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In Brazil 1958 a musical style born and states as a means of resistance to the silence that will soon fall on the country. It's history and is the bossa nova. Two sisters will choose different paths to resist. This is the story of a background music on tear.

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In the shadows

The music was the basis of our first reflections 2000, the birth of In the Shadow : when the word did not rights of citizenship, we sing ! She still keeps it in the main square of our project.

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Alley bottles

Il and 40 year old, Joao Gilberto enregistrait "Chega de Saudade", his first record, which marked the beginning of the "era" bossa nova. To commemorate this event : staged, which traces the restless and creative atmosphere of the time, using music as a medium and History.

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"Let the punishment in general and the prison are part of a body of political technology, perhaps the least history who taught me this. "

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